lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

This piece of news shows what 2012 will be! The site content has been massively improved with the new Grammar section (in the menu, click Lessons > Grammar).

What is this Grammar section?? It's a kind of encyclopeadia for Japanese grammar made of numerous separated articles. Each article explains one grammatical aspect of the language.

Moreover, these articles are sorted by difficulty level (white belt to red belt for Senseis) AND by JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test, an international Japanese exam for foreigners). You can then learn these grammatical structures progressively, and take the JLPT.

To make your searches easier, a search tool has also been added, and it's simple to use: type in a keyword, and all related articles will be listed. You just have to click and read the article.

To give more interest to the Grammar Section, you can ask questions and share ideas with other members thanks to the commenting tool ntegrated in each article. So if anything isn't clear, remember that other members are here to help.

The tool contains 15 articles, but another group of 15 has already been written and will be put online soon. All JLPT5 articles are already over, and now JLPT4 articles are targeted... (the picture below is in French, but of course the tool is in English, too).

This tool is free for all members, but think of donating if you like the work done. I also intend to add more features for Samurai members only to thank them for their support.

Escrito por Raphael

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