domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Reading Assistant

The 20th text was added in the reading assistant! It's the first part of Yumi's story, where oral and informal speech is highlighted. You'll learn:

  • 15 particle usages
  • 15 grammatical facts
  • 49 words
  • 57 Kanji

Learning in a context will help you remember what you learn.

We've also improved the audio for all parts of Kenta, and all characters have been voiced over again by professional Japanese actors to make the story more engaging. You can enjoy it again here.


Three new grammar sheets were added for the Samurai members:

  • Copula DA / DESU
  • Subtle usages of -MASHOU (KA) et -MASEN (KA) explained in detail
  • Interrogatives variations, differences between men and women, KA, KAI, NO
Escrito por Raphael

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