martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Much work has been done on the site recenlty, especially with the new design, and we had to slow down the integration of the grammarical documents. But here we are again with 5 new documents, and still free to use.

A member told me how useful it was when she was writing to her penpal, because she uses the grammar tool to search structures she doesn't know whenever she needs them. In fact, the tool let you search by Japanese OR English keywords. Say you want to translate "to seem" in Japanese, simply enter "seem" and you'll get the appropriate documents. This way, she can write to her penpal quickly and correctly, and practice Japanese in a very effective way.

Here are the new documents integrated. The more documents there will be, the more effective this unique tool will get.

  • KA MO SHIRENAI - maybe, probability
  • YASUI / NIKUI - easy / difficult to do
  • RASHII - supposition, it seems that
  • vConj + AU - to do together, each other
  • vTe + KURETE ARIGATOU - to thank for doing

As usual, these grammatical documents can be found in the Grammar module on the website.

Again I want to thank Element, Xehanort, Spade6179 and my wife for helping me create, translate and review these documents. They have all been checked against authoritative Japanese grammar books to insure the highest quality.

Leave a comment here to tell us how you use these documents, and don't forget to thank Element, Xehanort and Spade6179 for their hard work, they'll be pleased.

Escrito por Raphael

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