Themes: Japan-Activator
Monday, November 15, 2010


Here they are! The Kana writing exercise was already displaying Hiragana, and now it also integrated Katakana.

As a reminder, you only need to type a word in romaji, and it will automatically be translated into Hiragana and Katakana showing the stroke orders if needed. It is the perfect tool to learn Kana (by the way, any beginner should learn them early when studying Japanese).

Contribution Points

Some people asked me how they can know how many Contribution Points they have. To speak the truth, the system has already been recording the points since several months, but they were not visible on the site.

I've decided to display them even though the Plus Pass tool is not over yet (top-right corner of the screen). If you missed the piece of news, the Plus Pass will grant special contents to people who help the site. The objective is to create a dynamic among members to improve the site much faster than if I stay alone to create all the contents. Don't hesitate to click the link "Contributions" in the menu to get further information.

Written by Raphael

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