Thèmes: JA Sensei
mercredi 3 octobre 2018

JA Sensei version 5 was released a couple of days ago, and brings tons of new features. This work kept me busy during most of the summertime, so I do hope it will help you make it always easier to learn Japanese. And of course, it's not over, I'll go on making the application always better.


  • Brand new and free module!
  • Powerful search tool
  • 214 radicals + 37 variants
  • Kanji examples ordered by JLPT/Jouyou/Kentei
  • This module required a lot of research and computer calculation


  • SVG characters in learning section
  • Multichoice mode with 6 propositions instead of 5
  • Fixed bug where compound characters were only partially displayed


  • Added JLPT, Kanji Kentei, Japanese Counters, and JA Audiobook lists
  • New list selection tool (same as in Vocabulary, with Today's Review feature)
  • SVG characters in learning and quiz sections
  • Display radical sheet for each kanji
  • Break down kanji into parts for analysis
  • Check external resources for each kanji (,
  • Highlight the key radical for each kanji
  • Long-press the skill icons (drawing and eye icons) to jump to the quiz section directly
  • Long-press a kanji in a list to add it to a personal list
  • Multichoice mode with 6 propositions instead of 5
  • Access to the drawing quiz mode for everyone (free)
  • Premium users, please reinstall the KANJI module to enjoy all new features


  • ALL vocabulary from the Aural Comprehension module added, grouped by level (easy, medium, hard).
  • More than 1100 new audio clips recorded
  • Long-press a Lesson in the list selection to go directly to the corresponding lesson
  • Long-press an Aural Situation in the list selection to go directly to the corresponding audio text
  • Check external resources for each word (,
  • SVG characters in learning section
  • Multichoice mode with 6 propositions instead of 5
  • Premium users, please reinstall the VOCABULARY module to enjoy all new features

Aural Comprehension

  • All vocabulary added to the Vocabulary module (read above)
  • Switch between Easy/Medium/Hard easily
  • Press the timer 00:00 at the bottom to rewind 2 seconds
  • Long-press on the timer 00:00 at the bottom to rewind 8 seconds
  • Vocabulary stats added in the Vocabulary page with links to the Vocabulary Learning/Quiz sections
  • Audio texts now load much faster
  • Add texts to your like list to quickly display only the texts you are currently working on
  • Premium users, please reinstall the AURAL COMPREHENSION module to enjoy all new features

Other general improvements

  • Search by kana and kanji in the Verbs and Adjectives modules
  • New flat and modern icons
  • Lessons: small illustration for each lesson
  • Several interfaces redesigned
  • Fixed bugs on Android 4 where "Lists Manager" would crash
  • Fixed bugs on Numbers quiz mode
  • Fixed frozen screen on some devices (Adjectives, Verbs, Radicals modules)
  • Premium users, please reinstall the VERBS and ADJECTIVES modules to enjoy all new features


Discover or rediscover JA Sensei on Google Play !


Ecrit par Raphael

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