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After quite a few days of work, I'm over with the integration of the online dictionary! (in Tools on the right) I kept the same concepts as for the Translator, that's to say a light widget that can be placed anywhere on the screen. This way it can also be used with any content on the site. The... read more
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A short news to keep you informed. I've recently started to modify progressively the home page of the site. The goal is to develop the public area of the site. Why? I've realized that some visitors quit the site on this page because they thought the site was commercial... To start with, I've then... read more
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A new section has appeared on the right side of the screen : TOOLS For the time being, I've added an automatic translation tool. The objective is to have an instant access to these tools without changing the page. Instead, a window will slide in and can be dragged around with the mouse. Simply... read more
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I'm happy to let you know that I've added 3 new lessons. You can find them by clicking the Lessons -> Progressive course button in the menu on the left. The three new lessons are: At the library Fruits at the supermarket Taking a bath Thanks to these lessons, you'll learn many new... read more
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I've added RSS feeds for the news entries. If you have heard about RSS feeds without really knowing what it is, here is a short explanation. RSS feeds contain information from a site (mainly textual info). This information can be anything: news, lessons, vocabulary list, etc. People visiting the... read more
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Thanks to the help of some wonderful members, Japan Activator is now 100% avalible in English! Here is a list of the members who worked on the translation: Alexandrel Renaud Battail Element Gbangel Horodheart (Martinez Gonzalvo) Picrossmaster Myself I've saved many hours of work thanks... read more
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Learn Japanese even when you are out.
JA Sensei is the new application for Android smartphones. Already 150000 downloads and rated 4.7/5 by users! (June 2012)
Featured in Mobiles Magazine !
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