
15 年 1 月 15 日 JA Audiobook updated by Raphael

JA Audiobook for Android has been updated to version 1.0.3. I've listened to your feedback since the application release in April 2014 to make several changes.   read more

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Many of you asked me for more of them, and I promised myself to add more of them before the end of the year...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
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Christmas is approaching, and if you are like me, the gift wrapping session is not really a cakewalk. Why not take the opportunity to learn more about the art of wrapping gifts like the Japanese?   read more

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Last month, the Kanji module in JA Sensei had undergone a major update. This time it is the turn of the Kana module to be updated with the integration of the tracking system. It was also the opportunity for me to integrate features that many of you requested in this module : Taking quizzes...   read more

Themes: JA Sensei
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While JA Sensei approaches the symbolic number of 1 million downloads, version 3.2.2 is a major update that shows what you can expect in the future releases. The Kanji module has been redesigned to integrate most of the features that users requested.   read more

Themes: JA Sensei
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14 年 8 月 15 日 New grammar documents by Raphael

4 new detailed grammar sheets have been added. We now have 114 documents! For JA Sensei users, you can update your grammar module to get the new content. For Samurai members on the website, the examples are accompanied by authentic audio recordings.   read more

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JA Sensei

Learn Japanese even when you are out.

JA Sensei is the new application for Android smartphones. Already 150000 downloads and rated 4.7/5 by users! (June 2012)

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Featured in Mobiles Magazine !
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